My Plan to Conquer Data Structures and Algorithms

1 min readFeb 2, 2021

As of right now, I suck at data structures and algorithms. This is a major issue that I’ve been somewhat avoiding because it wasn’t something that really came up in the curriculum at Flatiron and it didn’t show up in my projects.

That being said, it seems to be of major importance in the job search.

This blog will be an outline/ accountability check for my approach to getting over this obstacle so I can feel confident approaching a technical interview with a company.

My plan as of now is to start by combining the open courseware videos from MIT, Harvard and Stanford. My hope is by using all three, I’ll be able to listen to the material from 3 different lecture styles, and ideally holes in my understanding of one will be sured up by the others.

Along with this, I’m going to aim to do 5 code challenges/ day in a progressive overload style. Starting with the easy challenges until they are somewhat boring and then moving on to more complex tasks. Hopefully by taking this approach, I will be able to identify exactly where my weaknesses are which will allow me to make better decisions on where to focus as time goes on.

